Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I get so sentimental

Hi.  I have no excuse this time for not posting for so long.  My computer didn't have a temper tantrum, but I'm afraid it has been I who have been acting the part of the screaming toddler.  Internally.  I gave up the whole "making a scene" thing about eighteen years ago. 

"Why?" you may ask?  Well I could list a variety of reasons but from this you will discover that A. A lot of really stupid and petty things annoy me (ie: the sound of flip flops shuffling on the ground I'M TALKING TO YOU SINGAPOREAN SLOW WALKERS) and B. I'm actually really homesick.  So let's move on.

I really haven't had any grand outfit revelations to share with you and I do have a lot of photos to share but chances are you already are friends with me on Facebook and have seen all of them already.  I'M LAZY. 

I wasn't lazy enough to make you a playlist though.  Here's some summer-time diddies that if I was in my car I would be singing along to obnoxiously loud with all of my windows down driving next to the beach.  But instead I'm listening to them on my headphones on the MRT trying not to cry after I got shoved into and knocked over in the middle of a stampede of people moving at the speed of turtles.  What did I ever do to deserve that??  Did that make any sense?  Such a sad moment in my life.

Ok ok here it is.

sentimental summer from jamiewayne on 8tracks.

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