Sunday, June 10, 2012


Sorry for the lack of posting in the past few days, I have been struck by deep waves of depression and crying spells as I reminisce of my dear Japan, which I left a couple of days ago.  Just kidding, it hasn't been that dramatic.  I've just been really tired and felt that there's nothing really that exciting for me to tell you about. 

I arrived in Singapore on Saturday morning, 4 am to be exact.  I'm out here visiting my main man, my dad, and I'm pretty darn happy to see him.  Singapore may not be as ridiculously cute or outrageously weird as Tokyo, but it's still a pretty interesting place.  I look forward to sharing some photos and outfits as soon as I can get over how hot it is outside and how jet lagged I am (STILL).

When laziness overcomes and words can't do much for me, I turn to music.  So here's a cool playlist for you of some stuff I listened to pretty heavily in Tokyo.  It's good music for riding on trains or walking down the street and looking at buildings or dreaming of people that you miss.

far east faves from jamiewayne on 8tracks.

Well I must get to packing, my dad and I are going to Thailand tomorrow.  I'll make sure to try and crank out some posts out there in between the ridiculous amounts of eating and shopping I will be doing.  Enjoy the playlist and your day my fwiends!

PS: Five million kisses and thanks to you if you have been reading my blog, I super duper appreciate it!!

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